About Us
The purpose of Peace Lutheran Church is to be a church that FORMS people in the Gospel of God’s grace, ANCHORS them in Christ-centered relationships, and SENDS them out in Spirit-empowered mission. This purpose drives the church’s community in spiritual formation and sacrificial service.
Peace Lutheran is a member of the North American Lutheran Church, in support of their Confession of Faith and Core Values.
Our Staff
Dr Orrey McFarland
Donna Pflaum
Catherine Jaroszewski
Christy Jackson
Julia Cohlmia
Doug Falconer
Church Council
Peace Lutheran Church is governed by an church council, made up of lay members and the pastor of the congregation. The Council provides direct oversight for personnel, financial, and property matters.
President: Madelynn Ratke
Vice President and Treasurer: David Ezersky
Secretary: Brian Kreeger
At Large Members: Alyssa Hostetler, Kristal Henning